Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Fine Art Audiences Professional Practice 2

This is a new Leeds College of Art Fine Art Audiences blog for the academic year 2009/10.
Old posts from last year can be accessed at the audiences link right at the bottom of the page.
To get an idea of how this could work, make sure you go back and look at all the old posts as lots of good information is to be found.

Your first task is to join LVAF and make sure you get invited to all the openings in Leeds. Go to

Also have a good look at in particular browse old posts for interesting stuff. This is the blog of someone really making connections in the art world.

Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Fine Art Audiences Professional Practice 2

Please use the comments box to ask questions about this module. The latest post is always at the top of the page, so get used to scrolling down or looking for old posts to get an idea of how an ideas thread starts.